Language courses
Lingu's course catalogue has a variety of languages. We're an accredited provider of Norwegian courses and social studies, with language centres in Oslo, Bergen, Stavanger and of course online. Book one of our language courses and expand your horizons!
Approved by UDI for permanent residency, Lingu offers the most flexible online course for social studies. During the course you will learn about Norwegian society, culture, politics, education, labour market and so much more.
Для фізичних осіб
Widen your horizons in Norway with our 'Workplace Norwegian' course. This AI-supported language course is your key to mastering the language and navigating Norway's working culture with ease. Gain essential skills, participate at work and integrate seamlessly into everyday Norwegian society's life. Sponsored by the Norwegian immigration authorities, this is your free ticket to success in Norway!
10 000 NOK 4,3Вивчайте більше -
Fleksinorsk med skrivetrening IMDI (B2)
Dette kurset er designet for voksne som ønsker å lære å skrive, snakke og forstå det norske språket, men også ønsker fleksibilitet i opplæringen. I tillegg til undervisning i generelle norskferdigheter, vil du også få tilgang til skriveverksteder hvor du lærer om skriftlige sjangere og hvordan du bruker dem korrekt. Lær å skrive brev, klager, oppgavetekster og mye mer.
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Intensive Norwegian Writing Course- B1 Level
Для фізичних осібThis course is for anyone who wants to improve their Norwegian language knowledge quickly and polish up their writing skills with the help of AI assistance. If you take this course, you will receive comprehensive training in Norwegian, with a large emphasis on writing in Norwegian. Whether you are writing for school or work, or simply practising for the Norwegian language exam, this course will be beneficial. With both a teacher and a personal AI tutor by your side, you will improve your writing more efficiently, engaging and dynamically than ever before.
10 000 NOKВивчайте більше -
Writing Course with AI Assistant - B1 Level
This course is for anyone who wants to improve their Norwegian writing with the help of AI assistance. If you take this course, you will receive comprehensive training in writing in Norwegian. Whether you are writing for school or work, or simply practising for the Norwegian language exam, this course will be beneficial. With both a teacher and a personal AI tutor by your side, you will improve your writing in a more efficient, engaging and dynamic way than ever before.
10 000 NOK 4,7Вивчайте більше -
Для фізичних осіб Для компаній
Нещодавно розроблений курс змішаного навчання, що поєднує електронне навчання та заняття в реальному часі з досвідченими викладачами-носіями. Спеціально розроблений для зайнятих професіоналів, яким не вистачає впевненості в робочих ситуаціях. Навчайтеся з лідером ринку курсів бізнес-англійської.
3 900 NOK 4,7Вивчайте більше -
Для фізичних осіб
Perfect your Business Norwegian in the shortest possible time! Lingu has been a market leader in business language courses for over 20 years. All our highly skilled native instructors have international experience in multiple corporate fields.
3 900 NOKВивчайте більше -
We are currently not accepting applications for this course. It may be available for application again in the future. Please check our website periodically for updates.
Безкоштовно (стипендія IMDi)
Fast Track Norskprøven Classroom Course IMDI (B1)
This is a course for anyone who wants to learn Norwegian in a traditional classroom environment, with other students. This blended learning course is a great way to learn and socialise with fellow students. if your main goal is to pass Norskprøven, this is definitely the course for you!
Безкоштовно (стипендія IMDi)
4,5 -
Для державного сектору
FleksiNorsk tilbyr fleksibel læring med drop-in undervisning tilgjengelig hele uken, umiddelbar kursstart, tospråklige lærere, tilgang til læringsressurser og KI-veiledning, samt ukentlige oppdateringer og asynkron veiledning for kontinuerlig læring året rundt.
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Flexi Norwegian with Writing Practice
This course is designed for adults who want to learn to write, speak and understand Norwegian language, but also rely on flexibility in their training. It is a flexible course that helps you master Norwegian writing skills. You will be able to understand the differences between writing genres and use them correctly. Learn to write letters, complaints, academic texts and many more.
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Flexi Norwegian with Writing Practice IMDI (B1)
This course is designed for adults who want to learn to write, speak and understand Norwegian language, but also rely on flexibility in their training. It is a flexible course helping you master Norwegian writing skills. You will be able to understand the differences between writing genres and use them correctly. Learn to write letters, complaints, academic texts and many more.
Безкоштовно (стипендія IMDi)
4,5 -
Для державного сектору
Lingus' skreddersydde «Fast-Track Online» kurs tilbyr digital undervisning med lærer, fleksibel kursplan og undervisningstidspunkt, samt tilgang til «Samanehs reise» og arbeidsrettede moduler med KI-veiledning. Tilpassede gruppekurs og kontinuerlig nytt innhold hele året.
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Для фізичних осіб
Підготовчі курси та індивідуальні письмові заняття, які допоможуть вам отримати необхідний бал на загальному або академічному тесті на знання англійської мови IELTS. Отримайте експертну пораду та складіть індивідуальний план з нашими кваліфікованими викладачами-носіями.
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Для державного сектору
Oppdragsgiveren håndterer oppfølging, mens Lingu tilbyr plattform og læringsressurser for en fleksibel hybridopplæring. Deltakere får tilgang til Samanehs reise, tilleggsmoduler, og veiledning fra både KI og kommunens lærere.
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Для державного сектору
Dette lavterskel-kursprogrammet gir deltakere tilgang til vår læringsplattform, KI-veiledning for umiddelbar støtte, lærerveiledning på innleveringer, interaktiv undervisning, og ukentlig nytt innhold året rundt.
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This course will help you understand the street language and normal conversation in the Stavanger dialect.
0 NOKВивчайте більше -
Вивчайте норвезьку восени! Ласкаво просимо на наші інтенсивні курси норвезької мови для українців! Нашою метою є допомогти вам розпочати вивчати норвезьку мову, щоб ви могли спілкуватися вільно й впевнено. Курс дасть вам базові знання у норвезькій мові та відкриє двері до кар'єрних можливостей. Викладання забезпечується кваліфікованим вчителем норвезької мови з українською як рідною мовою.
10 000 NOKВивчайте більше -
This course is designed for adults working in canteens, restaurants, or as cleaners, who wish to obtain a trade certificate (fagbrev) as a chef or cleaner. It will improve your Norwegian skills necessary to take the fagbrev. In addition, you will learn about workplace rules and communication in the workplace.
Безкоштовно (стипендія IMDi)
Norwegian IMDI Course for Ukrainians A2
This course will help you achieve A2 level in Norwegian language skills, so you can communicate fluently and confidently in Norwegian. The course will enhance your language proficiency and open doors to career opportunities. The instruction is provided by an approved Norwegian teacher with Ukrainian as a native language support.
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Вивчайте норвезьку з Lingu! Ласкаво просимо на наші інтенсивні курси норвезької мови для українців! Нашою метою є допомогти вам досягти рівня В1 в норвезьких мовних навичках, щоб ви могли спілкуватися вільно й впевнено норвезькою. Курс підвищить вашу мовну кваліфікацію та відкриє двері до кар'єрних можливостей. Викладання забезпечується кваліфікованим вчителем норвезької мови з українською як рідною мовою.
10 000 NOKВивчайте більше -
Швидка норвезька для підприємств
Веселий, швидкий і гнучкий курс норвезької мови в невеликих групах зі спеціальними інструкторами на вашому робочому місці. Схвалено імміграційними органами.
Весело, швидко та гнучко
Bli klar til Norskprøven! I dette kurset vil du øve deg både til den muntlige og den skriftlige delen av prøven, med tilbakemelding fra lærer.
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With private lessons, we work together to reach your goals! You will get a personal instructor who will create a course adapted to your needs, challenges and interests, making it possible to reach further and farther, quickly!
Від 773 NOK per hour 4,7Вивчайте більше -
With private lessons, your goals are our goals, and we work together to reach them! You will get your own, personal instructor who will create a course highly adapted to your needs, challenges and interests, making it possible to reach further and farther!
Почніть будь-коли! 4,5Вивчайте більше -
With private lessons, your goals are our goals, and we work together to reach them! You will get your own, personal instructor who will create a course highly adapte
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With private lessons, your goals are our goals, and we work together to reach them. You will be assigned your own personal instructor, who will create a course highly adapted to your needs and interests.
Від 776 NOK per academic hour 4,8Вивчайте більше -
With private lessons, your goals are our goals, and we work together to reach them! You will get your own, personal instructor who will create a course highly adapted to your needs, challenges and interests, making it possible to reach further and farther!
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With private lessons, your goals are our goals, and we work together to reach them! You will get your own, personal instructor who will create a course highly adapted to your needs, challenges and interests, making it possible to reach further and farther!
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With private lessons, your goals are our goals, and we work together to reach them! You will get your own, personal instructor who will create a course highly adapted to your needs, challenges and interests, making it possible to reach further and farther!
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With private lessons, your goals are our goals, and we work together to reach them! You will get your own, personal instructor who will create a course highly adapted to your needs, challenges and interests, making it possible to reach further and farther!
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Personalised tuition from experienced native teachers to help you achieve the score you need on the TOEFL English language proficiency test. Individual sessions with a teacher mean you will achieve your goals in the shortest possible time.
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Free Introduction Course in Norwegian
Lingu's goal is to help people to communicate and that’s why we are very happy to give you this opportunity to attend an introduction course - entirely for free!
0 NOK 4,6Вивчайте більше -
Норвезька для охорони здоров'я
A Norwegian course for health professionals who wish to qualify to work in the health sector in Norway. The course content covers a broad set of health care topics.
для медичних працівників