drop-in undervisning

Simply Online Norskkurs A2

Use our self-study materials and live classes on a drop-in basis. Suitable if you have a busy schedule, but still appreciate live classes and teacher's guidance.

Simply Online Norwegian A1

Mer om kurset:

Dette kurset er for alle som ønsker å lære norsk i et nettbasert klasseromsmiljø, men som ikke kan binde seg til faste læringstider. Du kan lære hjemmefra ved å delta på ulike drop-in klasser, og studere når du har tid og føler for det. Hvis du har en travel timeplan eller jobber skift, er dette definitivt kurset for deg!

Kurset er for deg som:

ønsker å lære norsk hjemmefra og delta på drop-in online-timer med lærer når det passer deg
ønsker å lære norsk på A2-nivå og vil forberede deg til Norskprøven på dette nivået
ønsker å bygge selvtillit i kommunikasjon på norsk
vil være sosial med medstudenter mens dere lærer norsk sammen, men som ikke kan forplikte deg til en fast timeplan
ønsker et morsomt og fleksibelt kurs med veiledning fra en lærer

Course structure:

emoji woman teacher

Tilgang til live drop-in timer med lærer online

Fleksibel timeplan

emoji woman teacher

Tilgang til Lingus interaktive e-læringsplattform

emoji woman teacher

Tilbakemeldinger på oppgaver

Er dette kurset relevant for permanent oppholdstillatelse?

Ja, timer brukt på dette kurset oppfyller kravene til å søke om permanent oppholdstillatelse. Du kan få godkjent inntil 12 timer pr uke.
Du finner en oversikt over timer du har brukt på kurset på din medlemsside. Der kan du også enkelt bestille et kursbevis som dokumenterer antall godkjente timer.

Nivå A2 dekker:

vokabular du kan bruke i hverdagslivet og på jobben
grammatikk som hjelper deg å bygge lengre setninger
uttale- og lyttetrening
muntlig trening som gir selvtillit til å bruke norsk i hverdagen

Hvordan betaler jeg?

Du kan betale månedlig eller betale for hele kurset på forhånd. Du kan velge din foretrukne betalingsmåte ved utsjekking etter at du har valgt kurset du ønsker.

emoji, stars on the face Lykke til på kurset!


Simply Online gir deg drop-in nettundervisning med engasjerte og dyktige lærere! Disse timene gir deg en arena for å øve på kommunikasjonsferdighetene dine og belyser flere nøkkeltemaer og ferdigheter du trenger for å mestre språket.

Se timeplan


  • Marita Olsen

    Marita Olsen


1 990 kr /mnd


4.79 47 vurderinger

    It was very complete. Both grammar and vocabulary were very extensive.

    Elisa A2

    Communication and interactive class. The most interactive and social distance learning course in Norway.

    Shahaboddin A1

    Mest av alt på dette kurset likte jeg at det var interaktivt og veldig godt strukturert.

    Caraignat A1

Våre kurs er fullført og vurdert av tusener av deltakere,
og anbefales av 96%!

Ofte stilte spørsmål

  • Yes, Lingu is an officially certified provider of Norwegian language courses for adult immigrants, and our Simply Online course is approved for Norway's permanent residency purposes. 

    Once you have completed the course, you will receive a course certificate with the total number of hours you have attended. 

    You can submit these certificates with your documentation for your permanent residence permit application.

  • The Simply Online course helps you learn to speak through various methods: conversation practice, listening exercises, self-study, and reading. With over 10 years of experience in online education, we are confident in our teaching methods.

    By choosing our Simply Online course, you'll gain access to:

    - A  calendar of flexible Simply Online classes that you can use for live speaking and listening practice  on a drop-in basis.

    - A newly developed e-learning platform that utilizes the latest learning technologies, enabling you to achieve your goals even faster.

    These combined learning methods will soon give you the ability to express yourself confidently in your new language!



  • There is no need to purchase any additional learning materials when you join our Simply Online course.

    All course materials are digital and included in the course.

    Once you join your course, you will get access to our fantastic new e-learning platform. Using the latest learning technologies, the platform offers various educational tasks and games to help you progress quickly and learn effectively.

  • Your individual progress will depend on many factors, such as how much time you have to study.  There is an average standard duration for each course based on our professional experience. However, if you need more or less time, you can change levels when you are ready.

    Typical course durations:

    A1 level: 2 months

    A2 level: 2 months

    B1 level: 4 months

    B2 level: 4 months

    C1 level: 4 months

    If you are ready to move up to a new level sooner, or wish to have extra time on a level, you may do so.

    You decide when you are ready for the next level!

  • You may study as much as you'd like during your Simply Online course. 

    However, please note that according to regulations set by Kompetanse Norge, we can only credit a maximum of 12 hours per week (on average) towards your certification.

    Additionally, at least 2 out of those 12 hours must be from attending live instructor-led classes.

  • Simply Online course is a more flexible and a little less intensive version of our course Fast-Track Online course which still offers access to live language classes with a teacher.

    The Simply Online course offers: 

    • full access to our regular Simply Online live classes in Adobe Connect with a flexible schedule which you can join on a drop-in basis

    • full access to our Sameneh's Journey online self-study materials based on latest e-learning technologies

    • great flexibility to learn whenever you want and how fast you want without the need to commit to regular class times.

    • approved course certificate which can be used for permanent residence purposes (with the amount of completed learning time stated).

    • access to our weekly online and in-person Språkkaffees to practice conversation skills with other Lingu students


    The Simply Online course does not offer: 

    • scheduled  twice weekly Fast-Track live classes on Zoom, with a teacher and a well-organized group (only included in ourFast-Track Online course)

    This course is perfect for you if you prefer the flexibility of learning and do not need regular, direct navigation to achieve your goals. It will suit you well if you are strongly self-motivated and work well with achieving your goals based on your own time plan, but you still would like to attend live classes with a teacher. 

    This course is perfect for you if you are self-motivated, well-organized, and prefer to schedule classes when it fits your schedule, but you also want to attend live, interactive classes with a teacher.

  • Yes, learning online with our Simply Online course is very effective. Results can be different for each person, but we have many success stories!

    Some students might be unsure about online learning at first, but they like it after a getting used to it. Our Fast-Track Online classes feel like being in a physical classroom. Students feel like they are together in a regular classroom.

    At Lingu, we have many years of experience with online learning. Our great teachers are specially trained to teach online. We also have a modern e-learning platform that uses the latest technology. This makes learning more fun and effective.

    The course is really flexible, but does requires consistent work, but it is also really fun. We have received positive feedback from our students telling that they think our Simply Online course is simply great!

Start når som helst!

  • I dag

    27. juli

  • I morgen

    28. juli

  • Neste mandag

    29. juli

  • Om to uker

    5. august

  • Neste måned

    1. august

Prøv vår gratis språkkafé

Vil du bedre i norsk og utvide ditt nettverk i Norge eller der du bor? Bli med på våre sosiale arrangementer som er designet for å gi deg mulighet til å snakke og praktisere norsk med andre personer, og ha det gøy! Kostnadsfritt og drop-in med enkel registrering både på nett og på våre språksentre.

Du får fleksibel og rask språkopplæring hos Lingu. Har du noen spørsmål? Chat med oss da vel!