Fleksible og effektive undervisningsmetoder. Godkjente og profesjonelle lærere. Et interaktivt, digitalt læringsmiljø.
Kun hos Lingu.
Forretningsnorsk B1
A Business Norwegian course designed to improve your language skills for professional settings. Held by our highly skilled native instructors with international experience in multiple corporate fields, ensuring practical, industry-relevant learning.
Fast-Track Norskkurs Bedrift A1
Norwegian learning programmes for employees, in both the private and public sectors, based on our Fast-Track Norwegian curriculum.
Fast-Track Norskkurs Bedrift A2
Norwegian learning programmes for employees, in both the private and public sectors, based on our Fast-Track Norwegian curriculum.
Fast-Track Norskkurs Bedrift B1
Norwegian learning programmes for employees, in both the private and public sectors, based on our Fast-Track Norwegian curriculum.
Fast-Track Norskkurs Bedrift B2
Norwegian learning programmes for employees, in both the private and public sectors, based on our Fast-Track Norwegian curriculum.
Norskopplæring på arbeidsplassen A1
A tailored course for employees, focusing on their specific needs within the industry. In this course, the instructor focuses on the areas most relevant to the employer, ensuring targeted and practical language training.
Norskopplæring på arbeidsplassen A2
A tailored course for employees, focusing on their specific needs within the industry. In this course, the instructor focuses on the areas most relevant to the employer, ensuring targeted and practical language training.
Norskopplæring på arbeidsplassen B1
A tailored course for employees, focusing on their specific needs within the industry. In this course, the instructor focuses on the areas most relevant to the employer, ensuring targeted and practical language training.
Norskopplæring på arbeidsplassen B2
A tailored course for employees, focusing on their specific needs within the industry. In this course, the instructor focuses on the areas most relevant to the employer, ensuring targeted and practical language training.
Norskopplæring på arbeidsplassen C1
A tailored course for employees, focusing on their specific needs within the industry. In this course, the instructor focuses on the areas most relevant to the employer, ensuring targeted and practical language training.
Yasir Hussain