TOEFL forberedelseskurs

For privatpersoner

Personalised tuition from experienced native teachers to help you achieve the score you need in the IELTS, TOFL, or any other English proficiency exam.

Individual sessions focused on your personal needs
Flexible schedule to match your availability
Native teachers with solid pedagogical backgrounds

We can help you pass!

Our strength lies in the fact that we only employ proficient mother-tongue teachers with solid professional and pedagogical backgrounds. Our English teachers know exactly what is required in order to get a good mark on the test and how they can help you to achieve it.

If you’re planning to take the IELTS or TOEFL test in the near future, get in touch with us for more details and we’ll organise the rest!


  • Melissa Patrick

    Melissa Patrick

    English Instructor

Ofte stilte spørsmål

  • Not at all. Private classes are made just for you. You can talk with your teacher about the times and length of the lessons. You can choose what is best for you.

    The times can change from week to week. It all depends on what is good for you and what you and your teacher agree on.

  • There are a many different teaching methods that can be used for different learning styles. Everybody is different and has their own learning style. Your teacher will find out yours during the assessment lesson and choose teaching methods that match your needs and personailty.


  • Yes, you can choose private lessons to prepare for any official language exams. We have very good teachers who work with exam preparations every day. They will help you in the areas you want to improve and will help you get ready for your exam.

    Private lessons are made to fit your learning needs, so exam preparation can be one of them!

    You can tell us your goals for your private course, and we will make sure to give you the best and fastest way to success.

  • Yes. If you agree with your teacher to follow the official curriculum, you will get a certificate after you finish your private lessons. This certificate will show how many hours you studied and your language level.

    Private classes are made to fit your needs. If you want to get a certificate, the course can be planned so you can receive one.

    Please note that there is an additional fee for private courses with accredited instruction hours.

  • Vi anbefaler at du starter med en kartleggingstime, og snakker med læreren din om opplæringsbehovet, og hva du trenger av timer for å kunne nå dine mål. Du bestemmer selv hvor mange timer du vil bestille.

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