Private lessons in Portuguese

3.85 (11 opiniones)

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Private lessons, or 'one on one' teaching as it is often called, is a type of course that caters to your specific needs and challenges, and it doesn’t follow a pre-defined curriculum.

However, your teacher will instead create a tailor-made course for you, thus enabling you to reach your goal more easily than when taking part in group courses or studying on your own.

You will create your own schedule together with your teacher.

Start doing private lessons and you will:

  • learn more in a shorter time
  • get a highly custom-made course
  • learn at your own pace
  • always get motivated and inspired to continue
  • get a thorough understanding of the language
  • reach your goals faster!

If you sign up with a friend, which has the same goal and level as yourself, you can share the class and split the cost.

New to private lessons?

If you are new to private lessons, you should register for an assessment lesson first.

That is a short ‘meet up’ with your assigned teacher so that you two can get together and create a tailored plan for your course. Your teacher will use some of the time to assess you, your background, and areas of interest to you, and you will talk about your goal for the coming course. Thereafter you’ll be recommended a how to best achieve your goal and you’ll register for the course package best suited to your needs.

How to register and what's next?

New student

Click the "Book this course" button, fill in your details and choose your preferred payment method. Select credit card as payment for expedited administration.

We urge you to select an assessment lesson as mentioned above.

Fill in your details and we will contact you to know more about your thoughts for the coming course before we assign you a teacher. The teacher will then be notified and will contact you to schedule an assessment lesson.

Existing student

If you are an existing student just wanting to add more hours to your course, please proceed to the booking page and select your preferred package. We will notify your teacher immediately.

Please note, all reference to one hour is an academic hour of 45 minutes.


  • Marcela Orsini

    Marcela Orsini



3.85 11 opiniones

    Kursholder er engasjert, i møtekommende og imøteser dine ønsker for timene. Veldig flink lærer med mye kunnskap, karisma og smittende humør. Gir selvtillit til språket.


Nuestros cursos son completados y revisados por miles de estudiantes,
y recomendado por el 96%!

Preguntas frecuentes

  • Not at all. Private classes are made just for you. You can talk with your teacher about the times and length of the lessons. You can choose what is best for you.

    The times can change from week to week. It all depends on what is good for you and what you and your teacher agree on.

  • There are a many different teaching methods that can be used for different learning styles. Everybody is different and has their own learning style. Your teacher will find out yours during the assessment lesson and choose teaching methods that match your needs and personailty.


  • Yes, you can choose private lessons to prepare for any official language exams. We have very good teachers who work with exam preparations every day. They will help you in the areas you want to improve and will help you get ready for your exam.

    Private lessons are made to fit your learning needs, so exam preparation can be one of them!

    You can tell us your goals for your private course, and we will make sure to give you the best and fastest way to success.

  • Yes. If you agree with your teacher to follow the official curriculum, you will get a certificate after you finish your private lessons. This certificate will show how many hours you studied and your language level.

    Private classes are made to fit your needs. If you want to get a certificate, the course can be planned so you can receive one.

    Please note that there is an additional fee for private courses with accredited instruction hours.

  • A private language course starts with a first lesson. In this lesson, the teacher will check what you need and make a plan for your course.

    After the first lesson, you will decide with the teacher when and how often you want to have classes. You will also decide the best plan to reach your goal. This will be based on how you like to learn and what you need.

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