Job openings

Want to work with dedicated and talented people from around the globe, who are commited to language training and edtech? We're always looking for smart, driven people to join the team!

Become a part of a Lingu team

Fill out the form with your CV and references, to be screened and listed in our talent pool. Whenever a customer arises and fit your skills, we’ll be sure to check your CV again and get back to you.

About us

Lingu is a Norwegian edtech company and an accredited language school in Norway. We offer language courses in Norwegian and English, and several other languages.

Our aim is to create a unique learning experience for our customers, and to facilitate life-long learning and development in our team.

Slik er det på jobben

I Lingu ansetter vi kapteiner. Å være kaptein innebærer å ha eierskap, ta ansvar og finne løsninger i vær og vind. Vi setter pris på initiativ og kreativitet, og har en sterk delingskultur som vi er stolte av.

Vi ser og tror på menneskers potensial og muligheter, og vi ønsker å utgjøre en forskjell for enkeltmennesker og samfunnet. Ved å knytte sammen talent, teknologi og pedagogikk skaper vi produkter og tjenester som muliggjør kommunikasjon og samhandling på tvers av språkbarrierer.


  • Remote Friendly
  • Flexible hours and holidays
  • Mac equipment

Why I love Lingu

  • «Through my job at Lingu, I get to meet many knowledgeable and wonderful people. It is a pleasure to help and motivate them to learn Norwegian so that they can use their skills and experience in Norway.»
    Veselina Dobreva

    Veselina, Norsklærer

  • Jeg storgleder meg over de flotte presentasjonene, som er så gode! Og deltakerne henger så godt på, og er flinke! Jeg sier: «Det er som musikk i ørene mine, når dere svarer så bra!». Jeg elsker å undervise!
    Tove Emmy Selland

    Tove Emmy, Norsklærer

  • «It's so much fun being a Norwegian teacher at Lingu! I like getting to know so many clever and nice people from all over the world. Seeing that they are mastering more and more of the Norwegian language is so satisfying.»
    Birgitte Wiik

    Birgitte, Norsklærer

  • «I have the world’s best job and the world’s best place to work! At Lingu we all care deeply about our students, about each other, and most of all about the quality and results of our work. Lingu’s courses have been carefully crafted and improved over many years. Teaching a class feels easy and organic, and I can tell that the students feel the same. I always feel better after teaching. I get so much energy from working with our students. Most of all I appreciate the chance to share the language and culture of my country with the students.»
    Yngvil Vatn Guttu

    Yngvil, Lærer i norsk og samfunn