Language training for the public sector

Lingu has a fundamentally positive view of the people we work with. Everyone is able!

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Our motivation

We see our users as resourceful and competent. They surprise, master and excite. We derive joy and motivation from being able to help people expand their horizons by learning new languages.

Technology and learning

Our mission is to merge technology and language learning, and in that way help people master new skills, seize new opportunities and expand their horizons.

Training in the field of integration

As a provider of language training for the public sector, we provide the following services:

Work-oriented and flexible Norwegian language training with individual courses

Courses for adults who want to learn to speak and understand Norwegian, and who need more flexible training. The participant gets access to all teaching hours and associated digital resources and has the flexibility to put together their own timetable. We assist municipalities in offering flexible and digital Norwegian language training to introductory participants in cases where the municipality itself does not have the capacity.

Learn Norwegian with a flexible program

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Digital learning resources

Lingus' digital platform is designed for adult language learners. The platform enables the participant to actively use their mother tongue as a support language in the learning process using integrated Google translate.

The platform has elements of gameplay and makes the learning experience both engaging and interactive.

Samanehs reise

From A1 to C1

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A digital learning series in Norwegian as a second language for adults. The teaching materials are built around a story about an Iranian actor named Samaneh who moves to Norway.

Selenas Anatomi

B1 - B2

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Health Norwegian at levels B1 and B2 with the main focus on the working language and language situations in the health care system. The learning resource is built around a story about a Spanish nurse, Selena, and an Italian pharmacist, Mario. It is developed in collaboration with professionals in the health sector.

Teaching platform

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The online collaborative platform for teachers to bring students together, anytime, anywhere.


Med bakgrunn i oppdraget om å utvide menneskers horisonter, og hjelpe mennesker å gripe nye muligheter, tilbyr vi arbeidsmarkedsopplæring i kombinasjon med opplæring i yrkesnorsk og bransjespråk til NAV.

I våre tiltak får deltakerne trening i muntlig og skriftlig norsk, hjelp til jobbsøk og CV-arbeid samt generell innføring i spillereglene i arbeidslivet i Norge.

Vi tilbyr arbeidssøkere trening i muntlig og skriftlig norsk, hjelp til jobbsøk og CV-arbeid og generell innføring i arbeidslivet i Norge og nødvendige digitale ferdigheter. Kurset er i kombinasjon med tre måneder arbeidstrening på en norsk arbeidsplass.

Vi kan vise til meget gode resultater og høy formidlingsprosent fra våre samarbeid med Norasondegruppen og NAV.

Tiltakene arrangeres i Arendal, Stavanger, Haugesund og Bergen.

Opplæring for ansatte i offentlig sektor

Lingu har lang erfaring med å tilby spesialtilpasset språkopplæring for ansatte i offentlig sektor. Vi tilbyr et bredt spekter av spesialtilpassede og fleksible opplæringsprogrammer rettet mot behovene i arbeidslivet.

Med undervisning i små grupper, og med svært dyktige pedagoger, garanterer vi høy grad av deltakerinteraksjon og en svært god læringskurve!

Contact us to discuss your language needs