Forberedelse til Norskprøven
Har du meldt deg på Norskprøven, og trenger hjelp til å forberede deg? Da er dette riktig kurs for deg. Her hjelper vi deg å bli klar til både den muntlige og den skriftlige prøven. Oppgavene er inspirert av den digitale norskprøven fra HK-dir. Prøven gir deg resultat i form av et nivå, for eksempel, A2 eller B1.
Dette får du i kurset:
Øv så mye du vil med sanntidsrespons
Mulighet til å jobbe selvstendig på nettressursen
4 skriveoppgaver med tilbakemelding fra lærer
forberedelse til prøven i muntlig eller skriftlig med lærer
Dette får du i kurset:
- hjelper deg i å få ønsket nivå på norskprøven
- trener lytte- og leseferdigheter
- bli klar til prøven i skriftlig produksjon og muntlige ferdigheter
Dette får du i kurset:
Dette kurset er kun et forberedende kurs til norskprøven og ikke et selvstendig norskkurs.
Du bør ha tatt et norskkurs på det nivået du ønsker å oppnå i forkant av kurset. Hvis du ønsker å bestå Norskprøven med A2, bør du ha gjennomført A2-kurset først.
Ruben Lelivelt
Frequently asked questions
Not at all. Private classes are made just for you. You can talk with your teacher about the times and length of the lessons. You can choose what is best for you.
The times can change from week to week. It all depends on what is good for you and what you and your teacher agree on.
There are a many different teaching methods that can be used for different learning styles. Everybody is different and has their own learning style. Your teacher will find out yours during the assessment lesson and choose teaching methods that match your needs and personailty.
Yes, you can choose private lessons to prepare for any official language exams. We have very good teachers who work with exam preparations every day. They will help you in the areas you want to improve and will help you get ready for your exam.
Private lessons are made to fit your learning needs, so exam preparation can be one of them!
You can tell us your goals for your private course, and we will make sure to give you the best and fastest way to success.
Yes. If you agree with your teacher to follow the official curriculum, you will get a certificate after you finish your private lessons. This certificate will show how many hours you studied and your language level.
Private classes are made to fit your needs. If you want to get a certificate, the course can be planned so you can receive one.
Please note that there is an additional fee for private courses with accredited instruction hours. -
A private language course starts with a first lesson. In this lesson, the teacher will check what you need and make a plan for your course.
After the first lesson, you will decide with the teacher when and how often you want to have classes. You will also decide the best plan to reach your goal. This will be based on how you like to learn and what you need.